
We all have mantras. You may be consciously or subconsciously thinking or repeating them, but they’re there. According to Google, a mantra is a statement or slogan repeated frequently. If you’ve made a conscious and deliberate effort to focus on them, your mantras may have morphed over to an affirmation. Google states an affirmation as a positive statement that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.

My mantras and affirmations started as a young child, although at the time, I had no idea what I was doing or why. My mom would drive me to school daily while simultaneously talking my ear off. I couldn’t tell you now what in the world she was talking about but I distinctly remember every drop off ending with her affirming out loud “Today?” to which I would reply “Today, I will be better”. This was repeated amongst my siblings with their school drop offs and we all still remember and talk about that affirmation today. In hindsight, this was a powerful process in pre-paving our days and encouraging positivity. Good job, mom! (She reads these). For the past few years, I have been sleeping with repetitive affirmations from YouTube on repeat. I drift off to sleep pretty quickly and the positive affirmations continue to play in the background until I wake up. It’s such a routine that it feels weird if I go to sleep without them.

I recently made a post on IG (Are you following? You should be! @blackwealthfinancial) and asked “What is your money affirmation?” I shared one of mine which is “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly” and I particularly enjoyed one shared by one of our followers who commented that hers is “I am aligned with the energy of wealth and abundance”. If you actively practice positive affirmations, you may have noticed an improvement in your feelings and emotions. And if you actively practice money affirmations, you may have noticed an increase and improvement in your money! If you’re skeptical and think it’s hocus pocus mumbo-jumbo, I encourage you to begin a practice of positively affirming something you believe.

There’s often an adjustment period associated with anything new or with any change. Stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing a sense of openness, can often be the hardest step for some people, but it is often the most important step in the process. Bringing the same openness to your money and your financial situation is no exception. It may be beneficial to try something new and something different in regards to your money to get and keep you on the right track. Developing a money mantra couldn’t hurt. If you already practice a money affirmation, share it! I’d love to know!

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