Resolve to Evolve

When I have a desire, I’m pretty black and white and extreme in its pursuit. Failure is never an option for me so I do whatever is necessary to make sure I make it happen. If weight loss was my goal, I’ve done the Master Cleanse or Juice fast for 30 days to drop the weight. And although you might know me as the cookie monster, I’ve gone without in the face of multiple temptations in order to quickly achieve my weight goal. #beastmode I’m the queen of affirmations and vision boards to stay on track and have found myself making resolutions on December 31st just like many of you. Although I have strong willpower and drive, there are some goals I simply can’t accomplish on my own and reluctantly at first, yet thankfully in the end, have sought out the help of an expert.


Are we still making New Year’s resolutions, or nah? Now that I think about it, I haven’t heard anyone talking about resolutions within the past few years. They used to be so common and so involved. I’m sure you can rattle off the repetitive and predictable ones; overweight people resolve to lose pounds and smokers resolve to stop lighting up. Usually, those making the resolutions are super excited and motivated to tackle their lists and then come mid February (if that long), the majority of those resolutions are a thing of the past.


If you were one of the ones to make resolutions and not stick with them, I’m not prepared to accept your defeat or label you a loser. I’m sure your list was made with the best of intentions to successfully accomplish every single resolution. It’s a strong possibility that your failure resulted more from execution rather than from your lack of true desire. Perhaps you were missing the key components to ensure your success, which would make even the most determined and motivated person unsuccessful.


There are proven time tested steps to make sure you are successful in the evolution of your resolutions, so there’s no need to reinvent the wheel as far as planning goes. If your resolutions involve money, you’re obviously in the right place! Here are my top tips to make sure you can successfully achieve your financial goals:


1.Develop a deep desire – weak desires produce weak results. How bad do you want it?


2.Visualize – see it in your mind first. Write and replay your script mentally and imagine your money/life how you want it to be.


3.Seek an expert – guidance to ensure you’re on the right path is key. Work with someone (I got you) to keep you accountable and on track.


4.Commit by writing it down– write your vision, make it plain. Take it back to plain old pen and paper and write out your financial goals. Be specific!


5.Check your progress – measure how close or far you are from your target. Numbers don’t lie. (See #3)


6.Adjust if progress slows – Press the breaks or the gas? Checking your status periodically will let you know.


Need help reaching and/or maintaining your financial goals. I’m here. Who’s got next?



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