Don’t shoot the messenger… buuuuut, if you are an employee and you receive an income tax return each year, that’s exactly what you’ve been doing. You’ve been giving away what could amount to thousands of dollars each year to your not so favorite Uncle (Sam) as kind of an interest free loan for 12 to 15 months.
Check it out. There’s a form you filled out when you first got hired that told the IRS the amount of taxes to withhold from your paycheck. It’s estimated that 80% of employees have incorrectly completed this form, resulting in too much money being withheld (thus the refund). Let’s say your most recent tax refund was $4,700. With simple math ($4,700 / 12), that means you loaned $391.66 to the government each month! To show their appreciation, the IRS gladly took your money and invested it and made much more money for themselves and then returned it to you without so much as a thank you a year later. (Talk about leaving your money on the dresser 😩)
Now I don’t know about you, but I work now and I want all my coins now and not later! I’m not interested in making a year long interest free loan and getting nothing in return! But I am interested in all my money!
Depending on your pay schedule, you have approximately 4 to 6 more pay periods before December 25th. How much would an extra $200 or even $400 come in handy each month until then? If you’re interested in getting your money and legally adjusting your paycheck, click HERE to get started. After answering a few short questions, I’ll make sure that your paperwork is adjusted properly in order for you to get your cash.
I help all of my Black Wealth Financial clients live their best lives with their max paycheck, so what are you waiting for? There’s a no risk 30 day guarantee, so you have nothing to lose but the money you’re already losing each pay period if you don’t make a change!